The Story of H8000 – Book design
This 640 page compendium of Belgian hardcore takes an in-depth look at the first and second wave of punk and H8000 Hardcore from the province of West-Flanders, in the South-West of Belgium. It all begins in 1978, when a near-legendary Sex Pistols/P.I.G.Z. show in Kortrijk gets cancelled. From that point on, the story rips by like a runaway train, up until the turn of the millennium. From the early 90s on, the H8000 hardcore scene became one of the most active and influential punk scenes on the European mainland. Its musical style and philosophy had — and still have — a major influence on bands and individuals all over the globe.
‘The Story of H8000’ is filled to the brim with beautiful and compelling stories, cut-and paste-flyers, never-before-seen photos, sharpie playlists and a detailed discography of every significant H8000 release.